Find one example of Internet marketing that you think is particularly effective and one example that is ineffective. Explain your reasons, for example, you can describe how well the effective example takes advantage of the Internet's properties (e.g. interactivity, personalization, greater hold on user's interest). For the ineffective ad, you may describe how you can improve on it.
One of an effective example is Samsung, the company's website can help sell their goods by using digital technologies. Firstly, their website is a 24 hours global channels which have all information of their products. Under the WB 500/550 showroom, all the features of the new model camera was showed clearly. For example, when the browser click to the 10x optical zoom function, the pages can show the real affect of this function and the browser can become the first person of the photographer.
Secondly, the next attractive point of this website is the 24 hours Beijing. Most of the customers who want to buy a camera for keep their memories during their travel . Under the 24 hrs Beijing, there are two persons Kim and Josh who had a journey in Beijing. Inside the videos, the application of the multi-functions of the camera was showed in different situations and that was interesting for the browser.
In conclusion, this website is very interesting and user friendly, the browser can totally understand the features and the advantages of the camera after reached the website.
Levi's is an ineffective example of the internet marketing. Although its website have provided some general information of the company, they didn't show the catalog of their products. Moreover, they uploaded too many data on the website and therefore the loading time of each page is quite long. Furthermore, the homepage of the website is a bit confusing and difficult to be understood.
In conclusion, the Levi's website is too simply and cannot provide enough information to the browser. In my opinion, they should change the homepage with clear icons to become more user friendly. Also they can set up the catalog list of those products on the website and let the browser realize their products clearly.
2009年6月23日 星期二
張貼留言 (Atom)
Samsung makes good use of online video, rich media and user-generated contest (by inviting customers to upload photos taken with their Samsung WB 500/550.
回覆刪除I tried Levi's web site. I'm also confused by the Flash movie showing streets and buildings, since I'm not sure why I need to click on them.